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Dance classes

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Dancing together shouldn’t cost a fortune —this deal proves it

Unlock April with the OlyDance All Access Pass! Includes all socials, LIVE music nights, class series, teams, and workshops—only $125. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

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Intro to Swing Lesson

Join any week!

When: EVERY TUESDAY, 7 to 7:30pm

Location: Olympia Eagles Grand Ballroom

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $10, includes admission to social dance

Instructor: Varies

Class Type:  Drop-in (take it multiple times!) 

Level: Beginner

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. All ages



Swing A

Turns, moves, partner connections in single time 6 count basic

When: Tuesdays, April 1st-22nd, 6 to 7pm

Location: Olympia Eagles Ballroom

 (805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: David Accurso, Sunny Paguirigan, Kathy Anderson

Class Type: Four-week series 

Level:  Beginner 

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. A, B, and C can be taken in any order. All ages



Lindy Hop

8-count Lindy, It's time to level up!

When: Tuesdays, April 1st-22nd6 to 7pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor (805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: Undre Reed

Class Type:  Four-week series 

Level:  Intermediate 

Requirements: Must have completed Beginner Swing A, B, and C

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Intro to Salsa lesson

Join any week!

When: EVERY FRIDAY, 8:30 to 9 pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $10, includes admission to social dance

Instructor: Varies

Class Type:  Drop-in (take it multiple times!) 

Level: Beginner

Requirements: No partner or experience required! All ages 



Salsa A

Basic steps, turns, cross body, backspot turn

When: Fridays, April 4th-25th, 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: *Rachel Ikehara and David Accurso*

Class Type: Four-week series 

Level:  Beginner 

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. A, B, and C can be taken in any order. All ages


Beginner Bachata A

Bachata Dominicana

When: FridaysApril 4th-25th 7:30 to 8:30pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor

805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructors: Sunny Paguirigan and Eden Luna

Class Type: Four-week series 

Level:  Beginner 

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. A, B, and C can be taken in any order. All ages


Intermediate Bachata

Flavor , spice, and everything nice

When: Fridays, April 4th-25th8:30-9:30pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructors: Sunny Paguirigan and Eden Luna

Class Type: Four-week series 

Level:  Beginner 

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. A, B, and C can be taken in any order. All ages

Competitive Dancing

Tango Foundations

Everything comes back to foundation

When: Thursdays, April 3rd-24th, 6-7pm

Location: Olympia Eagles, third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: Jennifer Jaymes

Class Type:  Four week series 

Level:  Beginner

Requirements: None! All ages




It's time to level up

When: Thursdays, April 3rd-24th, 7-8pm

Location: Olympia Eagles, third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: Jennifer Jaymes

Class Type:  Four week series 

Level:  Intermediate

Requirements: No partner required, must have instructor permission

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Beginner Zouk C

Bonus, Lateral, Body articulations

When: Thursdays, April 3rd-24th, 8 to 9pm

Location: Olympia Eagles third floor

(805 4th Ave E Olympia, WA)

Price: $80 for all four weeks, $25 drop-ins

Instructor: Sunny and Eden

Class Type: Four-week series 

Level:  Beginner 

Requirements: None! Designed for total beginners. A, B, and C can be taken in any order. All ages

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